Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Anime Review: Basilisk: The Parting of Ways (Vol. 3)

As published on

As the volume opens, the Iga have eight remaining ninja of the 10 from their clan who are listed on the scroll, while the Kouga only have five still alive. The scroll lists the top 10 ninja from each clan who are to battle until only one side remains. For the first two volumes, the Kouga were not even aware of this contest, as Iga Oboro and Kouga Gennosuke were about to get married. Once the Iga finally learn Gennosuke’s special power, they fear the only way they can beat him is through Oboro’s ability, which is the involuntary ability to cancel the power of anyone whom she makes eye contact with. Naturally, the would-be-lovers must part, even as they both hope for a peaceful solution, for them being together would be fatal.
“Basilisk” continues to be an emotional and suspenseful mature drama that just happens to be set with super-powered ninja. The show has no villains, per se, as each side in the ongoing clan struggle is in one moment sympathetic, and in the next, morally reprehensible. The show hasn’t taken a side, but shows the pointless conflict as destructive and futile.
The pace slows down in this volume, with the second episode offering a recap of the show so far with a little new information thrown in. The slightly slower pace allows more exploration into the consequences of the battles so far, especially now that Oboro and Gennosuke are trapped in the tragic feud as well. The voice acting is well done and the music adds to each scenes mood without being overwhelming. At the third volume, “Basilisk” shows no decline in the quality of its story or production. While any story about super ninjas can be overly melodramatic at times, “Basilisk” keeps the viewers engaged in the story and characters.
It’s always a good sign when the end of a volume leaves you anticipating the next one.

“Basilisk, Vol. 3 – The Parting of Ways”
4 stars (out of 5)
U.S. release: FUNimation
Animation: Gonzo
Genres: Romance, historical, action, drama
Release date: Nov. 14, 2006

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